Registration Policy

Click here to download the Registration Policy 2019


Upon satisfactory completion of the in-training period, candidates are required to pass Council’s Assessment of Professional Competence (APC)

In order to be eligible for the APC, Candidates must have completed their in-training period by 31 March of the year that they wish to sit for the Final Assessment.

The APC will be conducted annually, in July and will comprise of the following:

  • A dedicated written assessment (Paper 1 – a separate paper for each profession) of 50 marks (50%)
  • A general written assessment (Paper 2) of 50 marks applicable to both professions (50%)
  • All candidates will be notified in writing of their written mark after both papers have been marked.
  • Only candidates scoring between 65 marks (65%) and 75 marks (75%) in the written assessment will be invited to an oral assessment to  allow such candidates the opportunity to improve their overall mark
  • Candidates will be examined in the Oral Assessment on, but not limited to, the written questions where they did not, in the opinion of the Assessors perform well
  • The Assessors, however, reserves the right NOT to interview a candidate if it has satisfied itself that on the basis of the written assessments that the candidate has no reasonable chance of obtaining an overall pass mark of 75%.
  • The Panel may, on the written application of a candidate showing good cause, assess such candidate orally notwithstanding that such candidate has achieved less than 65% in the written assessment.

The overall pass mark is 75%. The time allowed for the written assessments will be 4 hours per paper.

Candidates will be allowed to retain the question papers for their own record if they so wish. Marking Memoranda will NOT be made available at any stage.


4.1 How to Apply for the APC

  1. Candidates must apply online on the website ( before 31 March of the year that they want to sit for the APC
  2. Candidates will be notified in writing by 30 April if they are eligible to sit for the APC and to pay the prescribed Final Assessment Fee as determined by the NCAQS by no later than 31 May.
  3. Applications and payments received later than the aforementioned dates will be considered as an application for the following assessment.
  4. Candidates not meeting the minimum requirements as set out in this policy will be required to make good any deficiency in respect of training and experience before they can apply for the next APC.

4.2 Study Material

It is essential that candidates are able to convince the Panel of Assessors of their competencies in the following key areas:

  1. Payment valuations and certificates, especially accuracy in completing the relevant forms (Architects) and the assessments required to compile valuations (Quantity Surveyors).
  2. A thorough knowledge of the methodology of compiling fee accounts for professional services either by means of worked practical examples and / or by means of detailed written explanations
  3. Knowledge of different types of procurement methods and / or types
  4. Knowledge of general professional practice relating to the respective professions
  5. General knowledge of construction law relating to, inter alia, extension of time claims, the effects of extension of time claims on the cost of projects, authority to issue instructions, payments, retention, insurances, guarantees, subcontractors and dispute resolution methods
  6. Professional practice matters relating to registration of professionals, forms of associations (partnerships, closed corporations, etc), competing on fee basis, etc.

Copies of the relevant Fee Scales will be supplied for assessment purposes. If in any doubt, all materials brought into the examination room must be declared prior to the commencement of the Assessment. Handwritten notes are however not permitted.

Only mathematical calculators will be allowed into the examination room. Under NO circumstances whatsoever will any other electronic devices such as ipads, cellphones, e-books, PDA’s, etc be allowed into the examination room or allowed to be used.

4.3 Unsuccessful Candidates

Unsuccessful candidates will be given an advisory report stating the common mistakes made in the written exam. Apart from this report, the NCAQS shall not enter into correspondence or any discussions. Candidates will not be permitted to view their answer sheets.

Candidates are reminded to remain in the employ and under the supervision of a Registered Architect /Quantity Surveyor during the intervening period in order to retain their status as an Architect/ Quantity Surveyor-in-training.

Unsuccessful candidates may apply for a Final Assessment at one of the next scheduled dates.

Unsuccessful candidates must provide proof of employment as well as a summary of work done during the period between completion of their in-training period and the APC. This needs to be submitted prior to each APC until the candidates passes the APC and registers as an Architect/ Quantity Surveyor.

4.4 Re-Assessment

Unsuccessful candidates may apply online on the website ( for a re-assessment of their Written Assessment within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of Council’s notification to the unsuccessful candidate and must be accompanied by the prescribed fee as determined by the NCAQS. Late applications will not be considered.

  1. Candidates must obtain a minimum of 70% in their Final Assessment in order to qualify for a re-assessment
  2. The re-assessment will be carried out by an independent person/s appointed by the NCAQS for such purpose.
  3. Should the outcome of the re-assessment still be unfavorable to the candidate, the candidate may appeal to the President of the NCAQS within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of Council’s notification of the re-assessment.
  4. The decision of the President will be final and binding.